Monday, January 25, 2010


I paid my water bills like everyone else, and obviously not that many people live on what I live on because 96-98 dollars every three months for water, sewage hurt, but was understandable in a small town. I paid with a 'more or less' smile.
The smile is gone now that my bill has been raised almost if not exactly 50%. Now that definitely hurt and either someone has a strange sense of humour or they don't want poorer residents, I do wonder at times. $148 and change. ouch. now that hurts and I really don't think much of a town council that would not take into account its poorer residents. Perhaps they want rich ones [and with the problems I've had so far, it might be wise to be well off to live here]. I for one do not think I have been dealt with fairly, but hey, life goes on. If I get an influx of capital, I will leave this great little town to one with feelings for their constituants.

Monday, January 11, 2010

I wonder

Should I say this or not, hmmmm. it's the 11th of Jan. of a new year and no new problems. wow. happy new year

Monday, December 7, 2009

what a fool am I

After wasting a large amount of money, I realized that if I wanted a 'quiet' place to live and retire to, I had to do it when I did.
The joke was on me. Of all the things this town is for me, a peaceful place to retire is not the one. After all the bs I have gone through with this town and my sewer [and its not over yet] I have to add a water heater to the mix. with a crack that spews out water when hot water is used, I now have no hot water.
I wish I knew what the proper next step should be. With no faith in support from the town, I must decide whether to continue the fight here or simply walk away from it all and go back to renting. It has been a lesson of three years duration and its not over yet.
The big question, 'what do I do now'.

Friday, November 27, 2009

man alive

this has tested what nerves I have to the limit. my only thanks is a melville plumber who opened my system at long last and has given me back a system that still works after almost a month. three cheers to the plumber.
I wish I could say that to the town but I can not do it. They called me and the plumbers that worked on it liars, denying their own professionals words. to me this is ridiculous.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

three weeks

three weeks and still flushing. lordee its good to feel that my home is my own once more. hope it stays this way

Saturday, October 31, 2009

are you a plumber and heating person

if you need a place to set up shop, let it be known, there is a severe lack of services in the areas of plumbing and heating in Ituna and miles and miles around it, in Saskatchewan.